- 1949 - Started boxing in Guam
- 1950-1951 - Fought several fights in the Southwest
Conference (Ellington AFB)
- 1952-1953 - Won United Kingdom & USAFE Lightweight
championships Burtonwood AFB, England
- 1953, 54, 55, 56, 57 - Southwest Conference
Champion, Lackland Featherweight
- 1957 - Air Force Featherweight Champion
- 1957 - Fought in Interservice Championships
(Springfield, MA)
- 1958 - Air Force Featherweight Champion
- 1958-1961 - Southwest Conference Champion,
Lackland Featherweight
- 1960 - Member of USAF Team, Olympic Trials
- San Francisco, Cow Palace
- 1961 - Air Force Featherweight Champion
- 1964 - PACAF, Featherweight Champion